Update for December

Aquacom is updated 12.12.2021 with the following main points:

Aquacom Planner

  • It is now being tested with the integration of weather data from Windy.com on work orders.
  • Plan execution of WO based on weather forecast.
  • If necessary, set up criteria for maximum wave hight or wind and get alerts on the WO and in projects.

Work order with wind and wave warning. Red value indicates that wave height is above the set criteria.

  • On a work order, more than one equipment can now be linked to the work order

Interactive maps

  • Integration of weather data as a map overlay.
    • 10 days weather forecast for wind and waves

Overlay from Windy in interactive map

Other development

  • Performance improvements on some overviews with a lot of data and which sometimes led to “time out”.
  • New fields for expiration date on certificates on Excel report of operating equipment.

If you want more information about new modules or the update in general, please contact:

support@aquacom.no / +47 474 84 803

ole.matre@morenot.com / +47 458 11 480