IOT and smart sensors
The recent year Mørenot Digital have tested various IOT equipment to collect important data from aquaculture sites and from vessels. The data from these types of equipment will be utilized in the Aquacom system at a later stage and will contribute to more autonomy and will also give you a better insight when combining “warm” sensor data with “cold” data manually punched in the system.
The IOT top 3 focus in Mørenot Digital is to collect automatically running hours from engines, pumps and other equipment in purpose to generate automatically the next maintenance. We are also testing equipment for asset tracking of movable equipment like e.g., nets and cages and finally we are testing equipment for measuring waves, current and wind. Purpose is to connect these data with operational data in the Aquacom software and by doing so be able to plan any operation better, increase the safety for personnel and save time and money due to more efficiency on site.
Safe aquaculture operations Mørenot Digital
Please contact our support team for more information regarding the IOT projects.