Update for September

Aquacom Planner – Project templates

  • New functionality to set a project as a template. Inside the project press “Actions” -> “Make a template of this project”
  • Templates can then be selected when a new project is created. A project can e.g. be de-lice or delivery of fish etc.

Inspection types and checklists

  • When new inspection types are created, the checklist templates will now be in a separate window. Click on the gear to add checklists to the inspection.

Other development

  • Manual inspection can now be started from calendar view
  • Mooring – Icon that shows whether the mooring element is linked to a map element
  • Mail notifications that can be sent out based on work orders and deviations are now arranged so that AO / Deviations are opened directly when you click on the link in mail.

If you want more information about new modules or the update in general, please contact:

support@aquacom.no / +47 474 84 803

ole.matre@morenot.com / +47 458 11 480